Teased at Geneva Watch Days, the Studio Underd0g 03SERIES Chronograph Makes its Big Debut with the New “Salm0n” Dial

- During the global pandemic lockdowns, many people found themselves with more free time. Some chose to learn how to make sourdough bread, some indulged in playing video games, and others channeled their creativity into new endeavors. Richard Benc was one of those creative people, and we are pretty sure that if you asked him in […] The post Teased at Geneva Watch Days, the Studio Underd0g 03SERIES Chronograph Makes its Big Debut with the New “Salm0n” Dial appeared first on Worn & Wound.

Quelle: Teased at Geneva Watch Days, the Studio Underd0g 03SERIES Chronograph Makes its Big Debut with the New “Salm0n” Dial

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